Friday, April 28, 2006 10:32 PM
today.. blaw was.. alright? but alot of terms and all. and found myself abit hard to concentrate. cos paul chang was speaking quite soft and ppl arnd me were talking.. so yea. but was cool knowing the diff bet charged and sued.
after tt went library the cafe there wif th and fion. had bubble tea and cup noodles. like it there. nice view. =))
went for ecd after tt. and tt was the only lecture all week tt i manage to listen thru out. and ironically, i dun realli like the module. lols. and we came out of the 'on-top-of-the-hill' theatre (lt45) and found tt its pouring. nice one.
but in the end, under the 'leadership' of tour guide ms ame teo, we manage to reach can 1 dry. not realli la, but at least not drenched. and im glad i wore jeans and not skirt today!! (no offence th and fion). LOL.
after tt went atrium, cos we dunno where to go AGAIN. but decided to go bukit timah plaza wif th, fion and mw. and was named 'yong beng clone' thru out. thans ahh. stupid. in the end, caught a damn crowded 961 and saw fion in 171 zoom past me. and it was not as cram. was like. TSK. lols. so yea, tts all.. and for the dunno how many times,
im not yong beng's clone!! roar.
`there was a rainbow in my room. but my cam is not TT good. lols. look closely, and u can see a slanted line (the rainbow) amidst the bright part. lols.

`the sunset outside my hse. NICE!!

`later in the evening... tts my window btw.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:57 PM
240406 (mon):today.. was the first day of yr 2.. fast.
went town after school today.. cos fion was MAD. lols. no la.. tink she got alot on her mind lately. been unusually quiet and all. HOPE U SORT OUT UR PROBS SOON K. =) anw.. was walking and they went flesh imp to buy tings to collect points for fions card. haha.

`wad stupid tsehwee wrote.. for details.. ask HER. lols.


`beng said tis is NICE. ... =X
todaywent lot 1 k box in the end. tink for us, other than MS.. all other de k not up to standard le. haha. cos MS one realli too nice le. lols. anw.. went for CMA today.. alright laaaa. then went can 3 eat yucky spagetti (spelling looks weird) and yummy ice longan. lols.took 67 to lot 1.. alot of sec sch memories. hais, today only got the six of us: tsehwee, althea, mw, zz, beng and me. compared to MS tt day.. and the room at MS.. tsk tsk. lols. went off at abt 6 plus wif thea. lucky we went lot 1 and not MS oso la. cos morning already kena nagged for gg out everyday le.. and today kbox smore. =X and morning, i didnt get to eat the noodle i wan la. TSK. anw.. tts for all. tml trng.. oh man.. court run.. =Xx im gona be sooo dead.

`lols. all go k for the snacks nia. LOL.

`two MICS!

`sour zz. lols.

`jay freaks.
Sunday, April 23, 2006 8:51 PM
1604 (sun):
`all the lil ones.

`shu ming.

`so cute!!

`fio and me.

`cute hor?!

`told u~~~
todayhaha, today went swimming downstairs wif bel. she reached at abt 2 plus ba. swim till 5 plus, went sauna. woo in the end damn dman hot sias. hot till cant stand it, then came out and rest awhile first. haha. realli hot till like giddy sias!! lols. even bel oso liddat, means its HOT. cos she can hold the heat better than me. haha. after tt damn damn dman hungry, cos i didnt hav lunch. so after complaning while bathing, walked to shell there buy noodles and junkies. in the end the person there say no hot water!! roar. stupid. i hungry like anyting then tell me no hot water. last time hav one loh. stupid. so went up to my hse take hot water. and mum theyl all already gg to eat le. stupid la. but bel was downstairs so went down anyway, wif both hands occupied wif cup noodles. lols. then she left at 7. tinking baq, i tis whole week like not baq for dinner sias. =X schools starting tml... program anyone?? haha.
and last nite, some weird thots made me feel weird again. wondering whether hes realli outta my heart.. or only outta my mind. =X

`hot hot sauna!!

Saturday, April 22, 2006 10:22 PM
WOOO HOOO IM SO HAPPY. dad sent my phone for servicing today and they actually said MY PHONE IS STILL IN WARRANTY!! lols. i could hardly believe it when dad told me la. i noticed they type my date of purchase wrongly (late by a yr) the first time i sent it for servicing last dec. but i tot they had a correct date on their system la. wich i found it wasnt the case. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA. so im getting baq my phone tml at 12!! i jus hope my contacts are intact.
today, was at home the whole day. but was jus staring at screens, lappie and tv. was watching tou tian huan ri.. omg.. guo pin chao is SHUAI. lols. haha. still tot wana go play badminton or wad wif bel, jj and hl one. but the guys not free and in the end bel was lazy to leave home le. so was at home the whole day loh. tink tml oso ba. initially gg sentosa de, but dunno y zz say postponed. =X i wan the pics!!! =))
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 10:59 PM
today was nicer than ystd!! Lols. althou was damn sticky and tired. But was nice la. funny tings happened. Lols. mainly the “ tsk a-a-a-amelia!!” LOLS then in the end everybody oso hav le. Lols. and tt fion (aka as taxi mate by her) still say it sounds irritating but in the end oso do. Lols. and zz become muthu curry aka mc, instead of zz. LOLS. and tt jiquan got the 7 and 11 ting oso. pengs. BUT the most funny one is mw’s sole ting!!! LOLS. laugh till pengs. If I had my dear phone I would hav filmed it down loh. BUT MY DEAR PHONE SPOILED ON MON. roar. and it’s the same prob as mw. So I noe it will cost 130 to repair. Until last nite then my dad say pay for me. YAY. And becos of tt, these three days cant take pics. Sux can. Of all time spoil during these three days. Damn sad. and we nxt yr cant join bAoc oso le, cos we having attachment. Oh sux man. OHYA, how can I forget another highlight of today?! WE INVENTED CLAPS FOR EVERONE. Originated frm eddie for ame I tink. LOL.
Amelia (lesbo) : Gimme one Amelia clap!! *clap* A-A-A-melia!!
Ming wei (brother) : Gimme one ming wei clap!!*clap* *makes dimple* (or, AHH my sole!! )
Zz (noob) : Gimme one zz clap!! *clap* muthu curry!!
Tsehwee (k mate) : Gimme one tsehwee clap!! *clap* eeeerrrr!!
Fion (lookalike) : Gimme one fion clap!! *clap* TAN YONG BENG!! (and according to junyan: I cant reach!! )
Althea: Gimme one althea clap!! *clap* *silence*
Gladys: Gimme one gladys clap!! *clap* WOOO!! ( according to jun yan: bee bee snack!! )
LOLS!! laughed like hell today!! Hahahhahahaha.
Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:37 PM

`moonshot of lastnite.
went shopping wif bel today! =) lucky, nan de fix last nite and go out today. hehe. went MS again, and got the some of the tings i eyed for on wed. would hav bought the ripcurl handbag if not for bels's foul mouth!! lols. cos i was undecided whether i wana buy it. so i put it baq and walked arnd first, and decided tt if it wasnt the last piece i would buy it. since ripcurl and roxy always had last piece goods for me. haha. then later a gal came and pick it up. we were like oooh uh oh. and b4 tt, bel was saying scarly left only 2 pieces including the display, and the gal would take the last piece and leave the display one. i was like where got so zhun la! in the end.. IT HAPPENED!! ROAR. lols. but if the gal didnt wana 'fight' wif me for it, i would still be undecided. lols.
and had a nice nice NICE lunch. =)) having lunch in a nice place wif my dear fren is an ENJOYMENT OF LIFE. woots. =)) walked over to suntec to buy my fox shirt since it was the LAST PIECE at MS. last piece again~!
walked baq frm suntec to MS alone. went home, and i nearly freezed to death in 960 sias. and in 171 too. brr.. well tts all. nxt few days all got program le. tml grandpa bday celebration downstairs, mon preparation, tue to thu baoc, fri cca fiesta. nites all. tired.

`@ zara fitting rm. wheres bel looking?

`YUMMMMM!! =))

`lols, bels noodle in dumpling skin. haha.

`receipt in chi?

`hehe. nice bg.

`again. =)
Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:56 PM
my purpose of blogging is the same as tsehwee one. to wish
ame HAPPY BDAY!! =)) (jus in time) and we three realli didnt say hao send at 12 one la. lame. haha. anw, went school today do the baoc tingys again, had a briefing. i took down so much, in the end i forgot to take the paper home. pengs. hope no one throws it away, then sian liaos. me and th had a funny time in the cls room, when no one was arnd. hehe. eating and drinking and listening to recorded k box clips of ystd. haha. then splitted we 9 into 4 and 5. hate splitting groups, remind me of tt time beginning of sem 2. sux to the core man.
anw, ystd was crazy man. crazy enough to take 44 pics and record 55 sound clips, so its almost impossible to blog. hehe. excuse la. but ystd de pics alot blur, cos night mode. lols. sang till i was sounding weird halfway thru. haha. can sing guy one oso le. hehe. the most impt is
seeing both the bday gals happy and smiling. =)) and the pic we took machiam cls pic le. heh. on the whole was a nice day, jus quite sick of the part where we couldnt decide on where to eat. =X and we should go MS sing again, so big and nice and new. heh. mayb we should go on the 24th of every month. since we are frm tb24. heh. =)
suddenly had the urge to see the squash video 05, the one jasmine made and the one we saw at wz hse on new yr's eve. brought baq a lot of memories. tt time when we watched the video, it was the beginning of 06, now 06 is a a quarter gone. damn fast. i jus hate it when time pass faster than i wan it to. and alot happen in bet too. tings tt seem to happen only a few weeks ago, in fact a few months ago.
guess its realli time to.. let go.
Sunday, April 09, 2006 2:23 PM
friday (7apr):
`the truffle cake my mom made. =)) nice!!

`the glue. lols.

went baq school today. We all tot is go baq to do exam hall, in the end is go baq do the performance let the main com see.
And we were rehearsing it at the level 3 carpark there, where last yr we did out dance practice there oso. hais. so fast a yr flew past. and we gonna separate. Hais. these days like nth on my mind except my dear cls. Haha. not bad la. those blog entries smth make me smile, esp zz one and a few made me tear too. Hais. seeing everyone blog abt how much they enjoyed the chalet and how she bu de we gonna separate.. I have a feeling tis separation gonna be diff frm the others. In the sense tt others like jus okok we will meet up one. but in the end.. not really. And I hope tis would be diff, I really hope.
saturday(8apr):Tsk. Lols. wanted to go out wif mw they all today, but like no one free and we cant tink of a place to go, so I went msia wif mum dad and grandma. Sole purpose was to eat la. lols. these few days veri cls mode sias. Shiok. Other tings.. move aside!! =)) now wif the chalet over, looking forward to wed, and then bAoc. After tt, sch would be reopening.. hais. =X today fion updated her blog, oh I love her last sentence, make me wana cry: i muz comment tt .. it was fun hanging out with nearly all my tb24 classmates.. they are fun.. n i guess i can nv forget them... realli hope to be in the same class as them in the future.. nice click to be with.. bonds between us were build up... i love tb24..the happiest class i ever had.. last nite was chatting wif beng, mw, zz and th online ma. Then fion sms me say: ‘seriously speaking after the chalet, i feel tt I cant bear to leave u all. althea gona in to trm th and gla go same class and i will be alone. just when we got tgt we got to separate and the only time tgt was only during our is. tats the only time we can be grouped tgt once again. i jus wana say i cant bear to leave u all and an advice to u is pls dun miss me too much. ha ha’ then I chat till I forgot to reply ma, then th was like fion veri sad u didn’t reply. I was like OHYA. I forgot. stupid gal. made me tear sias.
Saturday, April 08, 2006 1:55 AM
Ok a short entry abt the tb24 o5 chalet: 3rd apr – 6th apr 2006 @ SAFRA resort.
Basically, was as fun and crazy as last time. But tis time abit too long le, then smth nth to do then play mahjong or watch tv. Lols. and reading baq zz, ame and th's blog entries on last time the chalet then i realised we both chalets HBO oso showing 13 going on 30. lols. but tt day show tt time i couldnt rmber y i didnt catch it the other time. then went and read ame de entry then realised that its becos i went to change village wif, mw, zw, beng, zz and th they all to buy things and had dinner there too. Lols. anw, jus feel that tis chalet, mayb its becos got the duty roster, can say it was the cleanest chalet I ever went to. LOL. Last time tt one I oso dun rmber ppl got mop the floor so many times a day. this time is abit sticky, someone cant stand it liao then will mop. Lols. but tis time oso easier dirty cos tis time got bbq. Talking abt the bbq remind me of mw’s wif love marsh mallow, wich until now I still cant do. And zz’s oishi sausage. Crazy one leh he, keep cooking hotdogs and crabmeat. Crazy. And ame the ever-prawn-lover and not to mention, licensed prawn peeler too. Haha. anw, everyting was nice la. is the nicest bbq I ever eaten wif frens so far. Sotong and prawns and all. =))
Crazy and stupid games were also played. Haha. crazy like the shang xia zuo you bi yi bi. Tis time even got audience one, bryan they all loh. cos they didn’t play tt time at chalet ma. But in the end everyone joined in and the whole hall was lined wif ppl standing on chairs. LOLS. stupid games are mainly those invented by our game inventer, mr su zhi wei. Lols. really damn lame la. like me, him and tsehwee play the throw dice tt one, and him and zz play de mahjong soccer. And tt time during bstats tutorial, play wif beng the dunno wad la. Haha. but I must admit not everyone can tink of such lame games… so not bad la. hahaha.
This chalet was more organized than the last, mainly thans to mw and rena for organizing. Without them, we wont have such a nice bbq that lasted two days and no one had diarrhea till now. lols. and fion, for thinking of how to steam the stingray for our last dinner. And rena, for storing the food at her place and even agreed to use her hse to bake the tiramisu. And mw for .. erm, standing there at the bbq pit cooking things for us. And beng, ame, fion and mw.. starting the fire. Ame and wei xian for producing packages of sotong and prawns for bbq. Xx cooking the food while having her midriff roasted by the flame. Haha. althea for feeding us food while we cooked. Bryan for skewing the chicken wings. Zhi wei for being the runner bet the kitchen and bbq pit. And everyone else too. Each played a part in this chalet, an unforgettable and successful chalet.
Last messages (idea kope-ed frm
Tsehwee: for always slping first and always giving up sleeping places to others.
Fion: for tinking of the way to steam the stingray!!
Althea: for feeding us during the bbq!
Ame: for being the professional prawn peeler. LOLS.
Mw: organizing and everting. Would be too long to list everyting. OH, and ur MMM (esp curry flavor). Haha
Zz: for ur oishi sausage and always entertaining us. More practice needed for catching jelly beans.
Beng: for jus being there and saying tt u enjoyed the chalet in the end. Really look cute in pajamas.
Rena: organinsing and mopping the floor. OH and the hot plate was GREAT.
Xx: for always volunteering to mop the floor. Haha. and the pajamas!! Cute. =)
Wei xian: packaging food. Sotong!! Haha.
Bryan: for fixing my slipper. And always laughing at lame jokes and me. haha.
Zhi wei: for inventing lame games that kept us occupied. Haha.
Oh and hell to the IS enrolment, if not some would have stayed till the end.
Friday, April 07, 2006 4:06 PM
3rd apr (mon):
`our bw 40. =)

`b4 checking in.


` storing our bbq food.

`woot, rena mopping. lols.

`dunno when these two take one sias.

`briefing by organiser cum bro mw. lols.

`WHAHA. mw and his LIST.

`the 10 golden rules and the duty roster.

`nice flowers..

`nice. while walking out wif ame and fion.


`starting fire indoors, since it was raining...

`either mw or fion;s charcoal hands.

`our three apr babies.

`xx fed the tiramisu

`zz fed.

`mw fed.

`the cake.

`xx the mopper. haha

`ame and dunno who ji go ba-ing

`number snap!!

` cyclops!!

`some fight i tink. i forgot. lols

`zw and rena;s violent game!! lols.

`poor zw!! lols.

`the three diff shades. frm left: ame, mw and zz.
4th apr (tue):
`the reason rena was trialed.lols.

`the violent scissors paper stone.lols.

`zw and zz wif their structure.

`zz.. looks evil.


`the roasting of marshmallow as usual. lols.

`ame;s receipe: buttered prawns.

`zz's oishi sausage. LOL.

`zz being jay-ish. forgot to flip. haha.

`cute xx in pyjamas.

`us!! =))

`exchange specs.


`at the cafe. ghost stories.
5th apr (wed):
`zz's castle. haha

`zw's mahjong soccer!! lols.

`our last dinner. =)


`the retards.

